
Why Mighty Strong?

High-Touch Access

We don’t just communicate with you through once-weekly check-ins. Our 1:1 clients have regular access to their coach through text, email, and phone. When you need someone the most, we will be there.

A Collaborative Approach

No dictating, no demanding, no white-knuckling. We don’t just want your input, we absolutely value it.

Unique, Personalized Programming

We don’t do templates, one-size-fits-all approaches, or any other quick-fix bullshit you might find with other programs. All of our 1:1 programming is totally catered to your unique goals & needs.

Science-Backed Strategies

We value continuing education, science, and proven strategies around here. All of our coaching programs are highly researched & science-backed. No bullshit here.

Client Autonomy Driven

We are constantly bombarded with messages that tell us to change ourselves, love ourselves, shrink, stay the same. At Mighty Strong its “your body, your rules”.

Weekly Check-Ins

Connect with your coach each week to discuss your progress, determine what’s working for you, adjust what isn’t, and look ahead to the coming week to ensure you are set up for success.

In the past, I have been all-or-nothing about fitness. Brittney really heard me when I told her that my only fitness goal was to work toward finding balance in integrating exercise into my life! She prioritizes making directive and effective training accessible, fun, flexible, and challenging in all of the best ways. Working with Brittney is easily one of the best self-care decisions I have made for myself in a long time - a highlight of my week - and it is absolutely also due to her approach that centers and values you as a person!

What We Offer:


Invest in yourself and embark on a journey of nourishment. Say goodbye to the diet mentality and embrace a new approach to nutrition. Our 1:1 coaching program is tailored to meet your needs, preferences, and goals – a truly personalized experience like no other.


Whether you're just starting your fitness journey or looking to take your current routine to a new level, Mighty Strong is the place for you. Our community is here to support and cheer you on every step of the way. It's time to rewrite the narrative about fitness.